Monday, July 23, 2007


Today I woke with a mood of somber-ness about me like a shroud. I spent the morning with a quiet ride of anxiety all the way to the door of unease. I opened my eyes to the reality that awaited me of my life. And two hours later, I realized this is what happens when I decide not to spend my morning with my goddess.

Your inner goddess doesn’t ask much. Devoting time to her daily is as necessary as breathing. The minute I realized my mistake, my energy centered a bit and a smile found its way to my sour frame. I’ve spent the last 5 minutes spying small ways to celebrate her today.

And I have been rewarded.

She has inspired me to begin anew an arduous journey of healing. She inspires the goddess within me, by providing a vision of the end result clearly and perfectly. The goddess inside me takes over and runs with the energy, showing me the emotions I would feel, the completeness I would feel. And now, the somber mask I wore is replaced with a silk scarf of calm.

What the journey is, dear reader is not important (at least outside of the realm of the personal). But what I impart to you today is the very same thing imparted upon me: Take some time to celebrate your goddess, both inside and out. By doing so, you focus less time on what’s going on that detracts from joy, and you wind up glimpsing the inspiration that may be the spark to a journey of peace.

A small step begins the path…

Be inspired,

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